Cinco novos recursos: salvar vídeos, novo aplicativo móvel, criador de sites, modelos Figma e muito mais.

Fagner Mendes
Fagner Mendes

14 nov 2024 • 3 min de leitura

Cinco novos recursos: salvar vídeos, novo aplicativo móvel, criador de sites, modelos Figma e muito mais.

We've always dreamed of Savee being more than just a place for saving inspiration and getting inspired. We see it as a dynamic hub where creatives like you can elevate your craft, refine your skills, and unleash your creativity to its fullest potential.

That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of our very own marketplace, featuring 15 brand-new After Effects templates designed to take your projects to the next level.

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Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out on your creative journey, our marketplace offers something for everyone. From stunning visual effects to captivating animations, each template is crafted with precision and creativity to help you bring your ideas to life in ways you never thought possible

Cinco novos recursos: salvar vídeos, novo aplicativo móvel, criador de sites, modelos Figma e muito mais.
Cinco novos recursos: salvar vídeos, novo aplicativo móvel, criador de sites, modelos Figma e muito mais.

Here's what you can expect from our marketplace:

  • High-Quality Templates: Explore a diverse range of After Effects templates, meticulously crafted by our team of talented designers.
  • Versatile Options: Whether you're working on a video project, presentation, or social media content, our templates offer versatility to suit your needs.
  • Regular Updates: Stay ahead of the curve with regular updates and new additions to our growing collection of templates.

Here's what you can expect from our marketplace:

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out on your creative journey, our marketplace offers something for everyone. From stunning visual effects to captivating animations, each template is crafted with precision and creativity to help you bring your ideas to life in ways you never thought possible

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